Pretend you have a friend that's literally just getting into the nearly flawlessness of Hardcore and Punk. They come to you asking for suggestions of music to check out. What are the first 10 albums that come to mind?
These are mine:
1. Minor Threat - Out Of Step
1. Betray
2. It Follows
3. Think Again
4. Look Back and Laugh
5. Sob Story
6. No Reason
7. Little Friend
8. Out of Step
Download here.
2. 7 Seconds - The Crew
1. Here's Your Warning
2. Definite Choice
3. Not Just Boys Fun
4. This Is Angry, Pt.2
5. Straight On
6. You Lose
7. What If There's A War In America
8. The Crew
9. Clenched Fists, Black Eyes
10. Colourblind
11. Aim To Please
12. Boss
13. Young 'til I Die
14. Red and black
15. Die Hard
16. I Have A Dream
17. Bully
Download here
3. Justice League Discography 1983-1988
1. Down Again
2. Farewell
3. Chain Of Strength
4. In Love With An Idea
5. Shattered Dreams
6. Solitary Confinement
7. Never Me
8. Disarray
9. In The Cold
10. Looking Back
11. Things Have Changed
12. Falling Apart
13. Don't Forget The Kids
14. Style
15. Time To Stop
16. Use Your Own Head
17. Think Or Sink
18. Reactions
19. One More Time
20. In My Tears
21. Remember When
22. As Far As The Eye Can See
23. Thousand Needles, A
24. Part Of The Fall, A
25. Looking Back
26. Attitude
27. United Way
28. Use Your Own Head
29. Think It Through
30. Hardcore
31. Be Yourself
Download here.
4. Black Flag - Damaged
1- Rise Above
2- Spray Paint
3- Six Pack
4- What I See
5- TV Party
6- Thirsty and Miserable
7- Police Story
8- Gimme Gimme Gimme
9- Depression
10- Room 13
11- Damaged II
12- No More
13- Padded Cell
14- Life of Pain
15- Damaged I
Download here.
5. Descendents - Milo Goes To College
1. Myage
2. I Want To Be A Bear
3. I'm Not A Loser
4. Parents
5. Tonyage
6. M-16
7. I'm Not A Punk
8. Catalina
9. Suburban Home
10. Statue Of Liberty
11. Kabuki Girl
12. Marriage
13. Hope
14. Bikeage
15. Jean Is Dead
Download here.
6. Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables
1. Kill the Poor
2. Forward to Death
3. When Ya Get Drafted
4. Let's Lynch the Landlord
5. Drug Me
6. Your Emotions
7. Chemical Warfare
8. Calfornia Über Alles
9. I Kill Children
10.Stealing People's Mail
11.Funland at the Beach
12.Ill in the Head
13.Holiday in Cambodia
14.Viva Las Vegas
Download here.
7. Youth Of Today - Can't Close My Eyes
1. Expectations
2. Crucial Times
3. I Have Faith
4. Youth Of Today
5. Take A Stand
6. Positive Outlook
7. Can't Close My Eyes
8. We Just Might
9. Youth Crew
10. Take A Stand
11. Stabbed In The Back
12. We Just Might
13. Wake Up And Live
14. Standing Hard
Download here.
8. Social Distortion - Mommy's Little Monster
1. The Creeps
2. Another State of Mind
3. It Wasn't a Pretty Picture=
4. Telling Them
5. Hour of Darkness
6. Mommy's Little Monster
7. Anti-Fashion
8. All the Answers
9. Moral Threat
Download here. Also, noticeable mention goes to their self titled album, which includes an amazing cover of Johnny Cash's Ring Of Fire.
9. Angry Samoans - Back From Samoa
1. Gas Chamber
2. The Todd Killings
3. Lights Out
4. My Old Man's A Fatso
5. Time Has Come Today
6. They Saved Hitler's Cock
7. Homo-Sexual
8. Steak Knife
9. Haizman's Brain Is Calling
10. Tuna Taco
11. Coffin Case
12. You Stupid Jerk
13. Ballad Of Jerry Curlan
14. Not Of This Earth
Download here.
1. Sailin' On
2. Don't Need It
3. Attitude
4. The Regulator
5. Banned In D. C.
6. Jah Calling
7. Supertouch/!!!!Fit
8. Leaving Babylon
9. Fearless Vampire Killers
10. I
11. Big Take Over
12. Pay to Cum
13. Right Brigade
14. I Luv I Jah
15. Intro
Download here.
Well, that's it for my 10! There are plenty others that should be on here, but I think this is a pretty swell list for someone just getting into punk music. They're in no specific order, just the way they came out of my brain.